About Us
Pet Graveyard is a website is dedicated to pet owners who have lost a beloved animal friend. We understand what a life-changing experience it can be to lose a pet you have been so close to over the years. At Pet Graveyard, we do not feel that it is right to violate these core ideals. Because of this belief, we reject putting advertisements on our site or demanding payment for our services. Countless graveyards have been created since the establishment of Pet Graveyard, and one thing can be noticed about each and every one of them - they are all in it for money. Some want money through the form of "donations" to "keep the site running" (it costs nothing to run a small site), and still others force you to click on advertisements before you can submit a pet so the sites can make ad revenue (and that's most likely breaking the advertiser's rules). How can a site that uses such seedy means of obtaining profit possibly value the sanctity of your animal friend's memory? It can't. Pet Graveyard is changing the way people remember their pets by breaking outside the box.
We'd love to hear anything from you - questions, comments, even just saying hello! Just shoot us an email at
questions@petgraveyard.com and drop us a message. We'd really appreciate it if you could give us some feedback and make us better and more fitting to your needs!
Thank you for visiting Pet Graveyard, and we hope you enjoy your stay!
We're always open to your questions and feedback! Send them via email to:
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.